General Voting Information

Register to Vote on Paper

To register to vote on a paper form, download the form, print, fill it out, and sign it. Mail it to Seminole County Supervisor of Elections, P.O. Box 1479, Sanford, FL 32772

Register to Vote Online

Florida provides online voter registration if you have a Florida driver's license or Florida identification card. When you register this way, the signature from your license or ID becomes your signature of record for voting.

Renew Your Mail Ballot Request for 2024

All mail ballot requests in Florida were cancelled on Dec. 31, 2022. To vote by mail next year, you must renew. Call 407-585-8683 or use the links.

Check Your Registration

See if you're registered to vote by entering your first and last name, and date of birth. You can also see if you are set up to vote by mail. 

See That Your Vote Counted

Enter the information to "Find My Record." Then click on the blue bar above your name that says "Previous Elections." Choose an election and look for "Voter Status History." 

Voting After a Felony Conviction

Amendment 4 in 2018 restored some voting rights for those with past felony convictions, but fines and restitution must be paid off. Learn more Florida Rights Restoration Coalition or call them at 1-877-698-6830.

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